Marine mammals are an integral part of Arctic ecosystems and are critical for food security of Alaska Native communities. Understanding the potential impacts of anthropogenic noise to marine mammals in the Bering Strait region requires effective research strategies in challenging and remote environments, particularly in spring and fall when animals are following retreating or advancing ice pack.
Through North Pacific Research Board (NPRB) support, we are establishing baselines on marine mammal distribution and behavior at vast spatial and temporal scales over several years, including features of their acoustic environment. Our initial measurements will help understand how marine mammals utilize important and changing Arctic habitats over multi-year time scales, and how changes in their acoustic environment may affect them. The current work comprises the first long-term, calibrated, broadband ambient noise measurements in these areas, which identify abiotic and biological sounds and human-made noise.
Results thus far indicate the importance of documenting multi-year patterns in marine mammal habitat-use and acoustic ecology for strategic migratory corridors, foraging, and socializing habitats, and highlight the need for continued and focused efforts in these key areas. Specifically, sustained research and monitoring enables distinction of baseline variability from recent changes associated with rapid climate changes and associated variability in habitat use for Arctic marine mammals.
SuMMARy is generously supported by the North Pacific Research Board Project #1511 with previous support from the Flora Family Foundation.